Meetups, posters, lightning talks (9001-9999)

No. Title Presenter (first author) Vote 1 (Marc André Pelletier) Vote 2 (Phoebe Ayers) Vote 3 (Deror Lin) Vote 4 (Guillaume Paumier) Vote 5 (Ellie Young) Vote 6 (Caroline Becker) Vote 7 (Nicolas VIGNERON) Vote 8 (Léa Lacroix) Vote 9 (Kiril Simeonovski) Vote 10 (Orsolya Virág) Vote 11 (Dumisani Ndubane) Vote 12 (Jean-Philippe Béland) Final Score Comments Community Comments Submitter attending?
9001 Commons categorizer meetup 2017 MB-one 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 9.67 Meetup. Phoebe: We'll need to see if any other commons meetups are requested as well? Would it make sense to combine with a workshop on this topic?!
9002 Art+Feminism Meetup 10 10 9 8 10 10 8 9.17 Meetup Phoebe: sounds good, I wonder if there will be similar meetings eg for WLM
9003 Wiki-in-Residence Birds David Alves 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9.83 Meetup
Kiril: who was invited and who confirmed participation? Phoebe: +1 to Kiril, also will there be other topical meetups or is this all kinds of institutions? Make sure WikiEdu is in the room too
CS: Strong candidate for a BoF meeting
9004 100wikibirds of a feather Vassia Atanassova, Spiritia 10 9 10 COI 10 10 9.80