Submissions/Homemade Kiwix-Raspberry Pi(e) workshop


This is an Open submission for Wikimania 2017 that has not yet been reviewed by a member of the Programme Committee.

Submission no. 1009 - FO, TU
Title of the submission
Homemade Kiwix/Raspberry Pi(e) workshop
Type of submission (lecture, panel, tutorial/workshop, roundtable discussion, lightning talk, poster, birds of a feather discussion)
Author of the submission
Gabriel Thullen
Language of presentation
French and English
E-mail address
Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal)

Cet atelier BYOD (Bring Your Own Device - Apportez votre propre matériel) va vous guider à travers les étapes nécessaires pour programmer votre propre Raspberry Pi afin qu'il devienne un serveur Kiwix, fournissant un accès Wifi à l'encyclopédie hors-ligne Wikipedia pour les téléphones intelligents (smartphones) , les tablettes et autres appareils. Ce système est testé au Sénégal depuis 2016 et est basé sur le "Pirate Box", un serveur DIY (Do It Yourself) qui permet d'échanger des fichiers et de communiquer hors-ligne et de manière anonyme. Des projets similaires sont, par exemple, Library Box ou Freedom. Ce type d'appareil peut facilement être fabriqué par un des Fab Labs qui se développe un peu partout dans le monde. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est un Raspberry Pi 3 et une carte micro SD de capacité suffisante pour sauvegarder le contenu de Kiwix. Le fichier de format zim est 59 Go pour la version anglaise et moins de 32 Go pour lla version francophone.

This BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) workshop will take you through the steps needed to program your Raspberry Pi so that it becomes a Kiwix server, providing Wifi access to the offline Wikipedia for smartphones, tablets and other devices. This setup was tested in Senegal in 2016 and is based on "Pirate Box", a DIY (Do It Yourself) anonymous offline file sharing and communications system. Similar projects include Library Box, Freedom Box and so on... This type of device can also be produced very easily by any one of the Fab Labs that are sprouting all over the world. All you need is a Raspberry Pi 3 and a micro SD card with sufficient capacity to hold the Kiwix zim file (59 GB for the full English Wikipedia, under 32 GB for French).

What will attendees take away from this session?

Les participant-e-s vont apprendre à créer leur propre serveur Kiwix/Raspeberry Pi et pouvoir le ramener à la maison.

The attendees will learn how to make their own Raspberry Pi Kiwix server. They will be able to take one home with them.

Theme of presentation

Technology, Interface & Infrastructure

For workshops and discussions, what level is the intended audience?
Length of session (if other than 25 minutes, specify how long)
55 minutes
Will you attend Wikimania if your submission is not accepted?
Slides or further information (optional)
Special requests
The attendees should be able to leave their devices in a secure location while files are being copied (this can take 2-3 hours).
Is this Submission a Draft or Final?

This is a Completed submission for Wikimania 2017 ready to be reviewed by a member of the Programme Committee.

Interested attendees

If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest. Sign with a hash and four tildes. (# ~~~~).

  1. LaMèreVeille (talk) 15:32, 12 April 2017 (UTC) I want to learn and go home with my Kiwix Raspberry[reply]