For a 2.5h report in German from this Wikimania,
listen to this podcast by Sebastian Wallroth
with Lukas Mezger, Isabelle, Sargoth and me
Babel user information
This user participated in Wikimania 2017 held in Montréal
fr-4 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances proches de la langue maternelle en français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
ru-4 Этот участник владеет русским языком почти как родным.
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
This user participated in Wikimania 2015 held in Mexico City
This user participated in Wikimania 2014 held in London
This user participated in Wikimania 2013 held in Hong Kong
This user participated in Wikimania 2012 held in Washington, D.C.
This user participated in Wikimania 2011 held in Haifa
Users by language

Sessions I am planning to attend

  • All times in Eastern Daylight Time, i.e. local time in Montreal. Sometimes, the list has several options (find out why). Sessions I am involved in running are marked in bold. For full program, see Programme, which also has location info. Some sessions will be live streamed. Besides the collaborative session notes, I will mainly be using Twitter for communicating during the conference, whose hashtag is #Wikimania (some people also use #Wikimania2017).
  • Sessions I actually went to are marked like this:   Done

Tuesday, August 9

  • 16:00 Registration opens (4th floor)   Done
  • 19:00 WMDE meetup
    • Lobby
      • This did not work out, since I met User:Magnus Manske at the registration, and we went for a nice little walk instead.

Wednesday, August 9

  • Hackathon   Done
    • mainly WikiCite stuff
    • Wikimedia platforms and their response to emergencies like earthquakes, disease outbreaks etc.

Thursday, August 10

Friday, August 11

Saturday, August 12

Sunday, August 13

Submissions I was involved with

Wikimedia and Open Science


Wikimedia and sustainability


Sessions I am considering to propose if nobody else puts them in

  • BOF: Cross-linking thematic and location-based organizations
    • thematic focus without location focus
    • thematic focus with location focus
    • no thematic focus but location focus
  • BOF: new user groups for
    • Wikidata
    • Research
    • GLAM
    • Tech support
    • libraries
  • Poster: Scholia
  • Lightning talk: 📽💭🔬🔭

Other sessions I am excited about

From the session Submissions/Making a real Wikipedia Globe (I am not involved — at least not yet).

This list is very incomplete at the moment — haven't yet managed to go through all submissions, nor to log all I already found exciting. A good place to find submissions of interest to me is Category:Scholarly submissions.

Topics I had considered submitting but finally did not

Unsorted for the moment — will clean up later.

About me